
This Too Shall Pass...Like a Kidney Stone || Wasilla, AK

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Hey hey hey. WE ARE AT 31 DAYS PEOPLE ๐Ÿ™ƒ☹️๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜Š 
Can you believe it’s February?! I think it all started to set in for reals yesterday as we were sitting in the chapel for sacrament meeting and I looked around at all these people and families that I have come to know and love over the past few months and then I got to thinking about everyone else that I have come to know and love over the past even more few months and my heart wanted to burst because this adventure has been so good. To all of you who are thinking about going on a mission, in the wise words of Nike, “JUST DO IT”. It’s definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s also been the best thing I’ve ever done. Go & do.

Weather updates: the wind this week has been ridiculous - hurricane speed winds in the freezing cold making it around -20 outside. The wind blew all day, every day this week. But Alaskans are tough and they just keep on keeping on like it’s no biggie. I’m honestly impressed we didn’t get decapitated from tree limbs or someone’s roofing flying around while we were out tracting. It felt like we were knocking doors in a frozen wind tunnel. Also, the daylight is starting to get a little better up here! Each day is getting longer with more and more light ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ sunrise is around 9am and sunset is around 5pm. Still not quite “normal” but nothing is really “normal” in Alaska anyways.

Missionary updates: we’re continuing to do a lot of tracting and contact attempts and had a few people added to the “Forget Me Not List” this week. We’ve been visiting all of the part-member families and overage youth this week and met this goldmine family that has a few kids in high school that are wanting to take the discussions and get involved. Yayayay!

Wasilla Stake had Women’s Conference on Saturday and this cute lady named Calee Reed came up for it and Sister Bentley and I now have major girl crushes on her and her inspirational speaking skills. Anyway, she spoke about how we all go through hard things (#icandohardthings) because that’s just part of life and at learning and growing and becoming. At one point she said, “this too shall a kidney stone”. AMEN. AMEN. AMEN. 
Life is tricky and rough sometimes, but it will all work out okay. Want to know why? Because God is in charge and we are His children. I feel like I could write a whole novel on how God gives us trials because of His love for us but I don’t have the energy and you probably don’t have the time to read it so I’ll just put that on my list of things to do when I get home. The moral of the story is that everything is going to work out. You can do hard things.

I should just let you know that on the rare chance that any of you decide to vacation up to Wasilla, there’s this ghetto little family run donut shop here called “Donut King” that is the only good food in Wasilla. Worth the whole trip. Sister Bentley and I go visit them on Fridays after weekly planning (other missionaries know how rough these can be sometimes) and celebrate life because donuts are good and so is God. Just wanted to include that little piece of travel advice in here from me and give Donut King a shoutout. PS we actually met THE Donut King this week and he was super nice and gave us free donut holes, that was a bonus. 

Another week of a pathetic photo assortment from Sister Dunlop - I'M SO SORRY! I’ll try and convince our Zone to go on a hike with me or something so this part of my weekly isn’t so sad next week. Although it’s highly unlikely that they will come with me, it’s worth a shot #yolo.
See you next month. 
Loves from Alaska+back. 
XOXO Sister Dunlop

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